Wednesday, 25 July 2012

How to Enlarge a Tiny Bedroom

Okay, so I guess we aren’t going to actually e-x-p-a-n-d the amount of space you have physically, but we are going to tell you how to make your bedroom appear a whole lot larger.

When you think about the various items you’d imagine in a decent bedroom–bed, dresser, chest, a pair of nighttables, a lamp or two, a small couch–you begin to wonder where it’s all going to fit, and if it’s going to be possible to have anything close to your dream bedroom after all.

That’s where a little creativity comes in.

Who says that everything has to be on the ground? That’s a sure way to eat up floor space. Remember: there are four walls to every room. Use them! For example, get lights mounted on the wall instead of table lamps. You can keep your dresser with the
all-important mirror, but skip the chest of drawers and get a bed with drawers built into the base instead. As for the nighttables, get nice (read:floating) shelves added to the wall on either side of your bed.

Oh, and you could leave the comfy couch in the living room and get a comfy bean bag instead. But that’s up to you …

Alright, another thing you probably haven’t thought of is color. The darker the walls, the smaller and cozier the room will look. Now that’s fine if you wanted that effect, but we’re assuming the reason why you’re still reading this is because you want to make your sleep-quarters seem bigger. So think light, bright and creamy when you’re buying paint.

Another thing you can do is use the mirror effect. Positioned correctly, mirrors can make a cell seem more like an auditorium! It’s an illusion of course, but then, we did say these tips wouldn’t actually move the walls, right?

Last word: use lightweight drapes at the windows. Hanging something akin to a Persian rug from the curtain rods will certainly add … uh, weight …to the room. That’s exactly what we are trying not to do. And remember what we said about color. You have a little more leeway here, but still don’t go too dark, or it’ll absorb all the light and leave your room looking much smaller.

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