Depends on your time budget, right? If you’re one of those people who works nights and weekends, then an extra hour of sleep might be worth a lot more than the money you pay to a plumber. But if your schedule is any less hectic, you mind find that changing the way you spend a “lazy Sunday” might keep more dollars in your pocket.
Many of the things that go wrong in a house are have very simple root causes. Leaking faucets, broken tiles, problem toilets, and peeling paint can all be fixed relatively easily, with a few common tools, and a good dose determination.
You don’t have to have a clue what you’re doing. There’s so much out there in the way of step-by-step guides and tutorials you can borrow from the library or discover online. You might even be lucky enough to find a relative willing to teach you–without an argument about who knows what.
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